Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Herbal Teas That Can Actually Make You Healthier

There's nothing better than a hot cup of tea on a cold winter's day, but did you know many herbal teas have proven health benefits? From soothing an aching tummy to relieving a tension headache and calming the mind, herbal tea is also a great source of vitamins and minerals.  Growing up I remember my mother giving me green tea with honey to soothe a sore throat, but there are countless benefits of natural herbs I'm still learning about today.

So what is herbal tea? According to Best Health herbal tea isn't really made from the tea which is a specific kind of plant. Herbal tea is actually an infusion of leaves, seeds, roots or bark extracted in hot water.  When we drink a well-steeped herbal tea we reap all of the plant's benefits!

Some herbalists suggest we get more benefit from a good organic tea than from a vitamin pill or supplement. Supplements and vitamins can add up, but for a fraction of the price herbal tea has all of the benefits including hydration which is so important, especially when you're not feeling well.  Tea also offers the benefits of aromatherapy which you can't get from a tablet or pill.  Many people also enjoy the benefits of sharing tea with friends. Sometimes after a stressful day a cup of tea with friends is the best form of therapy.

When choosing an herbal tea it's important to look for a well-sourced product made of high quality ingredients. Avoid drinking tea that has added essential oils or flavors, especially if you're drinking tea for medicinal benefits. To get the most of your tea be sure to steep your loose tea or tea bags up to 10 minutes to fully bring out all of the healthful properties.  Enjoy the wonderful scents and smells of your tea while you wait. Having a cup of tea should be one of the most relaxing parts of your day!

At Good Buys All the Time we carry a variety of high quality herbal teas by BigelowTwinings and Celestial Seasonings. Whether you're looking to soothe a sore throat or get a better night's sleep, a cup of tea can often do the trick - naturally. Some of our favorites include:

Peppermint Tea
Naturalists recommend drinking peppermint tea to relieve the symptoms of abdominal gas and bloating.  It's also great for nausea so many women enjoy drinking peppermint tea during pregnancy. If indigestion or heartburn are problems, however, you may want to avoid peppermint altogether and stick with a natural green tea. Want to make your own peppermint tea? It's super easy to grow on your own. Click here for DIY herb garden ideas and tricks. 

Chamomile Tea
Great for calming and getting a better night's sleep, chamomile is made from flowers. It's also helpful with digestion after a large meal. Doctor's often recommend a cup of chamomile tea for children when suffering from a cough or bronchitis. Make sure to steep it well to receive all of the herbal benefits!

Ginger Tea
Another great tea for digestive health, ginger can even be used to help with motion sickness. For a delicious cup of ginger tea with added health benefits, squeeze a lemon into your tea and add some honey. This powerful germ-fighting combination is great when you or the kids have a cold. 

Dandelion Tea
Dandelion tea is a natural liver cleanser. Combined with milk thistle, the herbal tea can help your liver function at a higher capacity which aids in digestion and overall health. This is also a delicious smelling tea with great aromatherapy benefits!

Herbal tea isn't just for colds and coughs - a cup a day can truly help to keep the doctor away. With regular exercise and a healthy diet, herbal tea can keep your digestive system functioning properly and your mental health in check. Enjoy a cup with family or friends for the benefits of companionship and conversation today. And remember, for the best deals shop Good Buys All the Time on Amazon. We've got all of your favorites! 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How I Saved for My Dream Vacation

Some of you know me as “One Crazy Redhead” or the lady behind Good Buys All the Time, but I’ve never told my story.  As an online retailer I’ve experienced ups and downs in sales but with a little hard work and determination I was able to achieve some things I never thought I was capable of, and I’m excited to tell you how I saved for my dream vacation this year!
I’m Maryann Lowden, born and raised in Connecticut and now live in a rural town in West Tennessee. I started selling on eBay in 2000 and I heard about FBA (fulfillment by Amazon) but was very reluctant to venture into a different marketplace.  I was afraid of the process and intimidated of trying something new, but my sales on eBay were tanking and I figured “what have I got to lose?”
My biggest obstacle was MONEY – I literally did not have 2 nickels to rub together.
1) I didn’t have a smartphone – luckily I had an upgrade to offset the cost of an iPhone.
2) Could I afford the $39.99 Amazon Pro-Seller Subscription, plus an additional $39.99 for ScanPower?
The way I saw it, I would be $80.00 in the hole before I even started…
I have never been a quitter and decided to take the second leap of faith of my life; (my 1st leap was quitting my corporate job when my husband was diagnosed with leukemia several years ago – mortality has a way of slapping you in the face when you are told your husband of 30 years has 6 months to live). So without further to do, I decided I would stop talking about what I wanted to do and I would DO IT, because no one is promised tomorrow.
I started FBA in November of 2011 and have never looked back.  My first payout was $1,000 and the next was $2,000 – I literally couldn’t believe it as I followed their instructions and sent things to FBA that I had around the house.  I can honestly say, I never missed the $80.00 per month for Pro-Seller and FBA subscriptions.
No disrespect to my husband, but he was not a “cheerleader” when I started. He considered this new venture some “get rich quick” scheme which made me even more determined to prove him wrong.  Most girls reminisce about when those “3 little words” are spoken by their significant other. The best 5 little words ever spoken by my husband were:  “I guess you showed me,” in December of 2011.
I still had a small fear that my initial success was due to the holiday season and prayed that I wouldn’t be out of business. Guess what?  It got even better!!  I have done a combination of thrifting and retail arbitrage and it has served me well as I have a variety of items for sale in many categories – fitting as my store name is “Good Buys All the Time.”
Fast Forward to 2015
After a few years of FBA, my business is thriving and I am paying it forward by coaching “newbies” who want to get started doing Amazon. In May, I am going on a 16 day dream vacation to Europe – all thanks to my favorite Bible Verse:  “Faith is the assurance of things unseen,” Hebrews 11:1. I hope that my story is an inspiration to anyone else struggling to turn their small business into a money maker.  With a little hard work and determination, God blessed me with regular sales and a great support team to keep me going. My goal is to continue serving my customers and offering great products at a great price, but after all of my hoping and dreaming, I’m going to Europe first.
~ Maryann Lowden

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Money Saving Tips for a New Year

Lot’s of New Year’s resolutions have to do with saving money. Maybe yours is one of them! One of the ways I've decided to save this year is by cutting out fast food and sugary drinks but I found out saving money here and there can be a lot easier than you think – it just takes some planning ahead.

8 Tips for Saving Money in 2015

1. Start meal planning – You’ll be surprised to see your grocery bill shrink when you go to the store with a specific list because you've planned your meals for the week. This is also a simple way to cut back on fast food and eating out.  Casseroles make great leftovers, especially if you’re only cooking for two.  Plan ahead so that on your busy nights you can simply reheat something from the night before instead of ordering take out.

2. Stock up when you find a deal – You don’t have to shop at Costco or Sam’s Club to find great savings on everyday items. When you see a special deal on paper products, condiments or pasta sauce, take advantage! You can even find great deals online.

3. Buy produce from the local farm stand – This may not be possible if you live in the city, but try shopping the local market or produce stand instead of the big box stores for produce during spring/summer. You’ll find great savings on sweet corn, tomatoes and seasonal fruit like strawberries.

4. Grow a garden – If you've got the space and a green thumb, try growing your own herbs and veggies. Tomato plants are super cheap and easy to maintain. It’s also fun to grow your own pumpkins and gourds in the fall!

5. Cancel your home phone – Save on your TV / Internet / Telephone bill by cancelling what you don’t use. Maybe for you that’s going from a million channels to basic cable. With apps like Netflix and Hulu you can still watch your favorite shows. Not sure how you can cut back, call your cable or internet provider and ask about any recent promotions or deals - they want to keep your business and may be able to offer you a better price. 

6. Stop wasting plastic bags and switch to reusable food containers – How cute are these Disney Princess sandwich containers for lunch at school?

7. Save manicures and pedicures for special occasions – There’s tons of affordable options that look just as good as a professional manicure! Check out Impress Press-On Manicure and Jamberry Nails - both offer stick on nails that adhere to your natural nail and cost just a fraction of the price you'd pay for a regular gel manicure. Plus, they last just as long!

8. Shop online for great deals on everyday items – Good Buys All the Time has bargains on the brands you love like Seventh Generation, Burt’s Bees and Tom’s of Maine. When you shop online you're not distracted by in-store gimmicks and end of aisle sales so it's a lot easier to stick to a list. Give it a try!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Keeping it Simple for a Healthier New Year

Every year I set a lofty weight-loss goal or tell myself I’m going to save hundreds of dollars for my dream vacation, but somehow come March, April, May I realize I actually gained 3 lbs and I may have saved enough for a new toaster. No matter how great my intentions or how motivated I feel while making my resolutions, I never seem to stick to them.  This year I decided to keep things simple and start by setting small, realistic goals.
Be Specific
Instead of making a resolution to be “healthier,” I decided to get specific. It’s a lot easier to keep yourself accountable for something that’s specific, measurable or trackable, than it is to stick to a generalized statement.  I enjoy walking and I know it’s a great workout so I decided an attainable goal was to walk 1.5 miles at least 4 days of the week.  I took my schedule into consideration and determined 4 days a week was a reasonable goal – I would have to stay dedicated to making time for my walk, but I wasn’t asking too much from myself.  I also set a goal for distance because I have a tendency to slack when it comes to exercise.  By telling myself ahead of time I’m going to do at least 1.5 miles, I can gauge how long I’ll be at the park or the gym and I’ll also be able to track my progress. I’m hoping to better my time each month.
In addition to my walking goals for 2015, I decided to get specific with how I plan to save money this year.  It’s easy to say you’ll watch what you spend at the mall or the grocery store but it’s nearly impossible to measure a goal so vague.  I decided to get specific and target one of my guilty pleasures… Starbucks coffee. As much as I love my coffee breaks or grabbing a latte while I run some errands, those $3-$6 drinks add up. I decided to cut Starbucks and Dunkin out of my budget for the year and instead decided to buy my own gourmet coffee to make at home. Now I can save money and calories by skipping the fancy syrups and the added whipped cream.
Stay Accountable
I told my girlfriend who walks with me from time to time about my goals for the year and she was motivated to make my walking challenge her own.  Having someone to keep you accountable is important, but finding someone to workout with you and push you when you start slacking off is even better! I also told my hubby about my goal to cut out my Starbucks addiction and he agreed to hold me to it.  Now there’s no going back – if he finds Starbucks cups in our trash can or sees the charges add up on our debit card I’ll be in trouble.
Re-Evaluate Your Goals
If I can stick to my walking plan and no Starbucks for a month, I plan to re-evaluate my goals to see how I can continue challenging myself to become healthier.  I’d love to be able to go from walking to jogging and eventually my goal is to run 1.5 miles without stopping, but that will take some time. For now I know if I stick to my walking goals I am one step closer to my end goal. If I am able to go without Starbucks, I plan to add to my goal by eliminating some other guilty habits.  I’d like to cut out fast food altogether and cut back my grocery bill, but for now I’m keeping it simple.
Whatever your New Year’s resolution, if you keep things reasonable, measurable and hold yourself accountable for your goals, you’re sure to make progress. Good luck!

~R.K. for Good Buys All the Time!