Friday, April 10, 2015

Baby Shower Gift Ideas from Good Buys All the Time

Spring and summer are popular times for weddings and baby showers but finding a gift can be tough. Do you get something on the registry? Do you opt for a gift card or write a check? What if you don’t know the mom-to-be all that well? To make things easier, we’ve put together some great baby shower gift ideas that are both thoughtful and practical (and affordable too).
The practical gift. Every mom-to-be can use things like diapers, baby wipes, sippy cups and toys. Browse the registry to get an idea of the types of products wanted and then shop around for the best price. Just because the expectant mother is registered at Baby’s R Us or Target, doesn’t mean you can’t buy the same things elsewhere – just make sure to tell someone if you purchase a big item like the crib mattress or stroller so they can take it off the registry. You can save on some of these everyday items when you shop Good Buys All the Time. We carry Seventh Generation diapersBaby Magic baby wipes, and a variety of toys and sippy cups!
Practical Baby Shower Gifts
The cute gift. Every baby needs clothing but you don’t want to overwhelm the mom-to-be with countless packs of newborn size onesies, bibs or socks. Try finding some cute outfits or clothing in sizes 6-9 and 12 months so that mom has clothing for the baby to grow into. At Good Buys All the Time, we carry a variety of name brand clothing from brands like Carters for boys and girls. Here are some of our newly listed items we can’t get enough of.
Carter's Baby Clothes from Good Buys All The Time
Baby Shower Gift Ideas from Good Buys All The Time

Remember, it’s the thought that counts so don’t stress about the perfect gift. Babies go through multiple outfits per day so mom will be just as happy for the basic onesies as she is for the bows and frills. For more of our favorite baby outfits and gift ideas, be sure to follow us on Pinterest!