Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Herbal Teas That Can Actually Make You Healthier

There's nothing better than a hot cup of tea on a cold winter's day, but did you know many herbal teas have proven health benefits? From soothing an aching tummy to relieving a tension headache and calming the mind, herbal tea is also a great source of vitamins and minerals.  Growing up I remember my mother giving me green tea with honey to soothe a sore throat, but there are countless benefits of natural herbs I'm still learning about today.

So what is herbal tea? According to Best Health herbal tea isn't really made from the tea which is a specific kind of plant. Herbal tea is actually an infusion of leaves, seeds, roots or bark extracted in hot water.  When we drink a well-steeped herbal tea we reap all of the plant's benefits!

Some herbalists suggest we get more benefit from a good organic tea than from a vitamin pill or supplement. Supplements and vitamins can add up, but for a fraction of the price herbal tea has all of the benefits including hydration which is so important, especially when you're not feeling well.  Tea also offers the benefits of aromatherapy which you can't get from a tablet or pill.  Many people also enjoy the benefits of sharing tea with friends. Sometimes after a stressful day a cup of tea with friends is the best form of therapy.

When choosing an herbal tea it's important to look for a well-sourced product made of high quality ingredients. Avoid drinking tea that has added essential oils or flavors, especially if you're drinking tea for medicinal benefits. To get the most of your tea be sure to steep your loose tea or tea bags up to 10 minutes to fully bring out all of the healthful properties.  Enjoy the wonderful scents and smells of your tea while you wait. Having a cup of tea should be one of the most relaxing parts of your day!

At Good Buys All the Time we carry a variety of high quality herbal teas by BigelowTwinings and Celestial Seasonings. Whether you're looking to soothe a sore throat or get a better night's sleep, a cup of tea can often do the trick - naturally. Some of our favorites include:

Peppermint Tea
Naturalists recommend drinking peppermint tea to relieve the symptoms of abdominal gas and bloating.  It's also great for nausea so many women enjoy drinking peppermint tea during pregnancy. If indigestion or heartburn are problems, however, you may want to avoid peppermint altogether and stick with a natural green tea. Want to make your own peppermint tea? It's super easy to grow on your own. Click here for DIY herb garden ideas and tricks. 

Chamomile Tea
Great for calming and getting a better night's sleep, chamomile is made from flowers. It's also helpful with digestion after a large meal. Doctor's often recommend a cup of chamomile tea for children when suffering from a cough or bronchitis. Make sure to steep it well to receive all of the herbal benefits!

Ginger Tea
Another great tea for digestive health, ginger can even be used to help with motion sickness. For a delicious cup of ginger tea with added health benefits, squeeze a lemon into your tea and add some honey. This powerful germ-fighting combination is great when you or the kids have a cold. 

Dandelion Tea
Dandelion tea is a natural liver cleanser. Combined with milk thistle, the herbal tea can help your liver function at a higher capacity which aids in digestion and overall health. This is also a delicious smelling tea with great aromatherapy benefits!

Herbal tea isn't just for colds and coughs - a cup a day can truly help to keep the doctor away. With regular exercise and a healthy diet, herbal tea can keep your digestive system functioning properly and your mental health in check. Enjoy a cup with family or friends for the benefits of companionship and conversation today. And remember, for the best deals shop Good Buys All the Time on Amazon. We've got all of your favorites! 

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