Friday, April 10, 2015

Baby Shower Gift Ideas from Good Buys All the Time

Spring and summer are popular times for weddings and baby showers but finding a gift can be tough. Do you get something on the registry? Do you opt for a gift card or write a check? What if you don’t know the mom-to-be all that well? To make things easier, we’ve put together some great baby shower gift ideas that are both thoughtful and practical (and affordable too).
The practical gift. Every mom-to-be can use things like diapers, baby wipes, sippy cups and toys. Browse the registry to get an idea of the types of products wanted and then shop around for the best price. Just because the expectant mother is registered at Baby’s R Us or Target, doesn’t mean you can’t buy the same things elsewhere – just make sure to tell someone if you purchase a big item like the crib mattress or stroller so they can take it off the registry. You can save on some of these everyday items when you shop Good Buys All the Time. We carry Seventh Generation diapersBaby Magic baby wipes, and a variety of toys and sippy cups!
Practical Baby Shower Gifts
The cute gift. Every baby needs clothing but you don’t want to overwhelm the mom-to-be with countless packs of newborn size onesies, bibs or socks. Try finding some cute outfits or clothing in sizes 6-9 and 12 months so that mom has clothing for the baby to grow into. At Good Buys All the Time, we carry a variety of name brand clothing from brands like Carters for boys and girls. Here are some of our newly listed items we can’t get enough of.
Carter's Baby Clothes from Good Buys All The Time
Baby Shower Gift Ideas from Good Buys All The Time

Remember, it’s the thought that counts so don’t stress about the perfect gift. Babies go through multiple outfits per day so mom will be just as happy for the basic onesies as she is for the bows and frills. For more of our favorite baby outfits and gift ideas, be sure to follow us on Pinterest!

Friday, March 20, 2015

DIY Hello Kitty Easter Baskets

Easter is one of my favorite religious holidays but it’s also a lot of fun for the kids! I remember hunting for eggs when I was young and filling my Easter basket full of real hard-boiled, painted eggs. Now it seems like the most popular eggs to find are the plastic ones filled with goodies… my how time has changed! Whether you do an egg hunt or fill up Easter baskets with candy and gifts for your kids or grandkids, all of those little things can add up.  This year I thought I’d put together some ideas for creating the perfect girl’s Easter basket featuring some of our brand new Hello Kitty items, available at a great price from Good Buys All the Time.
Start with the basket – you can find a sturdy one at your local dollar store that should do the trick, or check out our selection of adorable Hello Kitty buckets - coming soon!
Next, find your “filler” – for a Hello Kitty theme I suggest some pink Easter grass, but any color will do.
HK Empty Easter Basket3
Now’s the fun part – pick your candy and treats! Hello Kitty is great because there are so many themed items for various ages. I like to do one “big” item and then add a bunch of little items to fill things up. For little girls, these pajama sets are perfect (and mom will thank you too)! I don’t go through the trouble of gift-wrapping anything; clothing can be rolled tightly so it doesn't take up much space.
HK Pajamas
If you’re doing multiple baskets, save by purchasing multi-packs of lip-gloss, body lotion or gummies! You can divide them among your baskets by style, scent or color. We also have a great Hello Kitty hair kit and the best prices on Hello Kitty gummy vitamins. With all of the candy kids get nowadays, the vitamins are a cute substitute.
HK Gifts
For the crafty girls in your family, consider adding some pencils, notepads or art supplies. I love this school supplies set that includes all of the above! Again, if you’re making more than one basket this is a great kit to break apart. The fruit snacks can also be divided up among your baskets. And kids LOVE fruit snacks!
HK Gifts2
When you’re done stocking up on goodies, simply arrange your baskets any way you like. I love the look of this basket (courtesy of Pinterest)! For more great ideas and good buys, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Pin with us on Pinterest and visit our Amazon store, Good Buys All the Time.
HK Easter Basket

Saturday, March 14, 2015

St. Patrick's Day Ideas and Deals from Good Buys All the Time

Growing up Irish, I have always loved the month of March and celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with family and friends. We recently got approved to sell clothing in our Amazon store and with St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner I am so excited about some of our newest items! Have some fun with your kiddos or grandchildren this year with these adorable ideas from Good Buys All the Time.
Make a Festive St. Paddy’s Day Breakfast
You don’t have to learn to make Scotch eggs or corned beef and cabbage to get in the Irish spirit. Try adding some green food coloring to your favorite pancake mix for a festive short-stack. For picky eaters, add a few drops of food coloring to milk and serve with Lucky Charms cereal (a kid favorite)!
PicMonkey Collage1
Wear Green
St. Patrick's Day was originally a Roman Catholic holiday celebrating Ireland's patron saint and observed only in Ireland; it was not until the 1700's when Irish immigrants in the U.S. started the first St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York City. It is customary to wear shamrocks and green clothing or accessories because St Patrick is said to have used the shamrock, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pagan Irish.
Whether you’re staying home or going to work, remember to wear green and show your St. Paddy’s Day spirit! For the cutest baby looks, be sure to stop by our Amazon store and browse our selection of Carter’s brand accessories and clothing.
PicMonkey Collage3
DIY Decorations Your Kids (or Grandkids) Will Love
Keep your kids or grandkids busy with some simple St. Patrick’s Day crafts like this DIY paper chain garland. All you need is some green construction paper, scissors and a stapler or tape. Make it a contest to see who can create the longest paper chain in 5 or 10 minutes, then enjoy decorating together!
Capture your memories with an adorable photo frame like this one or create your own props – mustaches, glasses, leprechaun hats, giant lips or corn-cob pipes.
PicMonkey Collage2
For more great DIY ideas and tips, be sure to follow us on Pinterest! And say hello to a good buy with our Amazon store where you’ll find the best prices on every items, Carter’s kids clothing and more.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Get a Head Start on Spring Cleaning

Spring will be here before we know it and with all of the yucky weather lately, I’ve gotten quite the head start on my spring cleaning. We have two hairy dogs so I feel like I am always vacuuming, but I enjoy doing a “deep clean” each spring to get our house ready for warmer weather. Here are some of the things I’ve learned over the years that make things easier.
Get rid of “junk” one room at a time
Kitchen – De-clutter your fridge. If you’re like me your fridge is full of artwork from the kids, reminders and maybe even a leftover Christmas card. Take down anything that’s not important and throw away old takeout menus. Next check your “Tupperware” cupboard and do the same. We seem to end up with a million Glad / Ziploc brand containers that are great for leftovers and call themselves “dishwasher safe,” but need to be replaced after countless uses. If they no longer look clean or the lids have warped and they no longer seal tight – throw them out.
Bedroom – Go through your closet and get rid of old clothing, shoes and accessories. If things are in good condition you can try a consignment shop or simply donate the items to your local Goodwill Store or Salvation Army. I also like to do a thorough purge of my sock / underwear drawer. Match up the socks that lost their partners over time and get rid of any strays (keep in mind you can repurpose an old sock as a whiteboard eraser or rag!).
Basement & Garage – Go through kid’s sports equipment, dad’s work boots and other items that may have been outgrown or replaced throughout the year. If things are in good condition try consignment, if not create a “junk” pile.  Because we have dogs I also like to take inventory of toys and treats, getting rid of damaged items and ruined tennis balls.
Get in all the nooks and crannies!
If you haven’t moved your furniture recently, there’s probably a million little dust bunnies hiding behind things. As the weather gets warmer we like to open windows, prop the door open for fresh air and a little breeze will send the dust bunnies flying all over the place! Stay on top of dust bunnies by vacuuming underneath couches, beds, dressers and bookshelves. Our vacuum has an extension that slides right underneath things but if I can I’ll pull the furniture out from against the wall to make sure I’ve gotten everything.
If you’ve got kids or pets be sure to pull the cushions off your couch and vacuum up all the crumbs and pet hair.  You may be surprised at what you’ll find under there!
Remember the little things
Sometimes we forget about the things we touch most often which are probably full of germs or fingerprints.  Disinfect household doorknobs and use a Magic Eraser to get rid of finger prints around doorways and handles. Wipe down railings, microwave and fridge handles and appliances that are used by everyone in the family.  I also like to give my dog’s dishes a good cleaning every so often. Regardless of how “clean” they may lick them, dogs get colds too and it doesn’t hurt to put their dishes through the dishwasher to disinfect them.
Our house is far from spotless, but with a little extra time and attention to detail I try to keep things in order.  A little goes a long way so get a head start on your spring cleaning today and remember to shop Good Buys All the Time for the best prices on your favorite everyday items and for more great tips and DIY ideas follow us on Facebook!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Irish Soda Bread - A St. Patty's Day Tradition

St. Patty’s Day is just around the corner and in our family, that’s a reason to celebrate! Growing up Irish with the bright red hair to show it, I learned the importance of family and tradition at an early age. One of my favorite Irish traditions is baking Soda Bread – a must-have for St. Patrick’s Day! The best part of baking soda bread is that you don’t have to wait for it to rise like you would with a yeast bread. In fact, from start to finish it only takes about an hour. My family loves it and I hope yours does too!

Traditional Irish Soda Bread

Prep time
20 mins
Cook time
10 mins
Total time
30 mins

Serves: 1 8-inch loaf (8 servings)

  • 4 cups flour
  • 2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 3/4 cups buttermilk
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Grease and flour a round cake pan.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking soda and salt.
  3. Gradually stir in the buttermilk until the dough comes together in a slightly sticky ball.
  4. Turn dough onto a floured surface and knead gently a few times.
  5. Form the dough into a ball and then press into the prepared pan so that the dough resembles a large disk. The dough should reach the edges of the pan, but may spring back slightly.
  6. Cut an X into the dough with a sharp knife, about 1/4 of an inch deep. Cover the pan of dough with another round cake pan turned upside down.
  7. Bake for 30 minutes, covered, then remove the top pan and bake uncovered for about 10 minutes more or until the crust is dark golden brown.

For more great recipes, DIY ideas and money saving tips, be sure to follow Good Buys All the Time on Facebook

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Practical Ways to Save this Spring

In the months following the holidays, families are often looking for extra ways to save. Bills can begin to add up, the kids have spring activities starting which means money spent on sports equipment, gas and weekend trips, plus the family dog needs a check up which is never inexpensive. Things can seem overwhelming, but these practical tips can help you save on everyday expenses so you've got more money for your family vacation this summer!

1. Buy in Bulk
Little trips to CVS or the grocery store for toothpaste, paper products, makeup, soap and shampoo can add up.  Instead of purchasing one or two items at a time, make a list and plan a trip to your local wholesaler or try finding your favorite products online! At Good Buys All the Time, we carry a variety of soap, body wash, toothpaste and more at wholesale prices - and chances are you'll qualify for free shipping! 

Great Products to Buy in Bulk
Paper Plates, Cups, Napkins
Paper Towels and Toilet Paper
Household Cleaners
Baby Wipes and Diapers

2. Don't Just Donate - Try Consignment for Name Brand Clothing
If you've got kids, you understand the struggle of going through clothes and pairs of shoes too quickly to count! If you don't have younger children to wear hand-me-downs, clothing often gets sent straight to Goodwill or Salvation Army without a second thought. As you begin your annual purge this spring, set aside gently used, name brand clothes and shoes and try your local consignment shop instead. If you've spent good money on things, there's no shame in trying to make some money back. 

Another idea is to have a good old fashioned yard sale. Get some friends together to make it worthwhile and tell them products and clothing must be high quality - no one wants to come sort through your junk! Find out when other neighborhoods are having their yard sales and plan for the same weekend when more people will be passing by. 

3. Save on Sports Equipment
As an elementary schooler I remember trying countless sports until I found the ones I wanted to excel at. Luckily, I had a big sister to pass me her hand-me-down baseball gloves, hockey sticks and shin guards. If you've got an ambitious athlete and hand-me-downs aren't an option, try a re-use-it shop for basic equipment until you know the sport is going to last longer than one season. Hockey and lacrosse sticks can cost upwards of $200 so there's no point in spending an arm and a leg if your little athlete isn't sure they want to keep playing.  

Another way to save during spring sports is to car-pool. It's a great way for your kids to make friends with their teammates and a fun way to meet other team moms!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Herbal Teas That Can Actually Make You Healthier

There's nothing better than a hot cup of tea on a cold winter's day, but did you know many herbal teas have proven health benefits? From soothing an aching tummy to relieving a tension headache and calming the mind, herbal tea is also a great source of vitamins and minerals.  Growing up I remember my mother giving me green tea with honey to soothe a sore throat, but there are countless benefits of natural herbs I'm still learning about today.

So what is herbal tea? According to Best Health herbal tea isn't really made from the tea which is a specific kind of plant. Herbal tea is actually an infusion of leaves, seeds, roots or bark extracted in hot water.  When we drink a well-steeped herbal tea we reap all of the plant's benefits!

Some herbalists suggest we get more benefit from a good organic tea than from a vitamin pill or supplement. Supplements and vitamins can add up, but for a fraction of the price herbal tea has all of the benefits including hydration which is so important, especially when you're not feeling well.  Tea also offers the benefits of aromatherapy which you can't get from a tablet or pill.  Many people also enjoy the benefits of sharing tea with friends. Sometimes after a stressful day a cup of tea with friends is the best form of therapy.

When choosing an herbal tea it's important to look for a well-sourced product made of high quality ingredients. Avoid drinking tea that has added essential oils or flavors, especially if you're drinking tea for medicinal benefits. To get the most of your tea be sure to steep your loose tea or tea bags up to 10 minutes to fully bring out all of the healthful properties.  Enjoy the wonderful scents and smells of your tea while you wait. Having a cup of tea should be one of the most relaxing parts of your day!

At Good Buys All the Time we carry a variety of high quality herbal teas by BigelowTwinings and Celestial Seasonings. Whether you're looking to soothe a sore throat or get a better night's sleep, a cup of tea can often do the trick - naturally. Some of our favorites include:

Peppermint Tea
Naturalists recommend drinking peppermint tea to relieve the symptoms of abdominal gas and bloating.  It's also great for nausea so many women enjoy drinking peppermint tea during pregnancy. If indigestion or heartburn are problems, however, you may want to avoid peppermint altogether and stick with a natural green tea. Want to make your own peppermint tea? It's super easy to grow on your own. Click here for DIY herb garden ideas and tricks. 

Chamomile Tea
Great for calming and getting a better night's sleep, chamomile is made from flowers. It's also helpful with digestion after a large meal. Doctor's often recommend a cup of chamomile tea for children when suffering from a cough or bronchitis. Make sure to steep it well to receive all of the herbal benefits!

Ginger Tea
Another great tea for digestive health, ginger can even be used to help with motion sickness. For a delicious cup of ginger tea with added health benefits, squeeze a lemon into your tea and add some honey. This powerful germ-fighting combination is great when you or the kids have a cold. 

Dandelion Tea
Dandelion tea is a natural liver cleanser. Combined with milk thistle, the herbal tea can help your liver function at a higher capacity which aids in digestion and overall health. This is also a delicious smelling tea with great aromatherapy benefits!

Herbal tea isn't just for colds and coughs - a cup a day can truly help to keep the doctor away. With regular exercise and a healthy diet, herbal tea can keep your digestive system functioning properly and your mental health in check. Enjoy a cup with family or friends for the benefits of companionship and conversation today. And remember, for the best deals shop Good Buys All the Time on Amazon. We've got all of your favorites!